
Matthew 12: 33-37
Good Fruit

Good Fruit

Matthew 12:33-37

Trees and _________________________ (vs. 33)

The ____________________________ man

The ________________________________ man (vs. 34)

The mouth of __________________________ (vs. 34)

It is the ___________________________ that matters. (vs. 25)

James 2: 15

We will face ________________________________ (vs. 36-37)

Matthew 25: 34                  Matthew 25: 41

Matthew 25: 35-36            Matthew 25: 42-43

We become good trees by _________________________. (Romans 3:28,10:9-10)

The evidence of good trees is our ________________ and ___________________.

Objection #1: Many non-Christians are better people than Christians.

Objection #2 Judgment is not fair because people can’t help their own nature.

Objection #3 Eternal judgment is not fair, God is love

Objection #4 : Who then can withstand God’s judgment?

Matthew 19:26