
Genesis 3


Genesis 3

  1. We choose to ___________________ from God’s design.(vs. 1-7)

Romans 3:23.

  1. When we depart from God’s design, it always leads to _______________.(vs. 8-24)

Brokenness causes us to try to _________________ from God (vs.8).

Brokenness disrupts our __________________________ (vs. 14-15)

Brokenness disrupts our ________________________ (vs. 16a)

Brokenness disrupts our ________________________ life (vs. 16b)

Brokenness disrupts our _______________________ (vs. 17-19a)

Brokenness disrupts our ___________________ life (vs. 3:19b)


Romans 6:23

                   Brokenness makes us live with the effects of _____________ (vs. 22)

Brokenness makes us lose the _____________ God intended for us. (vs. 23-24)

Brokenness helps us see our need for ____________. (Genesis 3:7)


  1.  God has made a ___________________ of our brokenness: